How can you not only gain happiness, but sustain it? -- 10 practices right here!
Read MoreI am a RYT-500 Hour Yoga Instructor registered with Yoga Alliance, and have earned my Teacher Training Certifications from Sonic Yoga in NYC and AYM in Rishikesh, India. Most recently, I have earned my Aerial Yoga & Aerial Dance Certifications from Movement Lounge in Donelson, TN! I teach yoga to guide others to feel the energy and beauty they possess and can generate from their movement. I believe everyone has the capability to integrate their discoveries into their lives to live a fuller, more cognizant, existence. I share strong alignment cues to assist in asana development and injury prevention, but believe it doesn’t matter what shape you take, it only matters how that shape makes you feel. I am drawn to Vinyasa because of its flowing sequences and smooth transitions. I have a strong dance background and the two feel relatable; inspiring creativity, moving with intention, feeling expansion in all directions, and finding the freedom to let go within motion. Asana practice feels like a moving meditation and pranayama a beautiful articulation of breath.
My current public schedule:
Wednesdays @ 6pm:
Heated Vinyasa at Movement Lounge, Donelson, TN
Available for Privates & Group Classes
Privates are customized for your needs. Sessions can include yoga, strengthening, stretching, visualization healing, sound meditation, and intuitive body work through Thai Yoga Massage. All healing modalities are available virtually except Thai body work.
Sound Meditation
Group and Private Sound Sessions are available. Immerse yourself in vibration and sound in order to find relaxation and a deeper meditation. We are all vibrating, everything in the universe has a vibration, that is why music is so powerful on our emotions. It has the capacity to stimulate our energetic field. Sound bowls and the hypnotic patterns in a sound bath can assist in lulling you into a wonderful state of calm.
For additional details, please contact me.
How can you not only gain happiness, but sustain it? -- 10 practices right here!
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