Join me for a new, exciting class — BALLET FUSION!! Discover the perfect blend of tradition, innovation, and fitness with Ballet Fusion! This dynamic class combines the elegance and precision of classical ballet with the energy and expressiveness of contemporary, modern, and jazz dance styles. Adding a fitness twist, Ballet Fusion incorporates mobility, strength training, and stretching to support flexibility, balance, and core strength. Designed for movers of all levels, this unique experience seamlessly fuses technical foundations with creative expression, inspiring movement that is both graceful and empowering. Come move, strengthen, and express yourself in Ballet Fusion — a class designed to spark joy, nurture your well-being, and celebrate the transformative power of movement! CHECK BACK FOR CLASS TIMES & LOCATION
Education has always been an important aspect of my life, so I earned my BFA in Dance and my Masters in Secondary English Education. In my early career, I performed throughout NYC, Long Island, and the United States, and was awarded tenure as a New York State middle and high school English teacher.
I pride myself in providing a well-rounded education for students, teaching technique and alignment, movement awareness, mind-body connection, and vocabulary and skills. I strive to instill confidence and positivity, and create a supportive, nurturing classroom environment where dancers of all levels can flourish.
I have been a dance educator and choreographer for over 20 years, predominately offering Ballet and Contemporary, and have choreographed hundreds of works for performance and competition. Class and work size ranges from an individual to nearly 100 students in production pieces.
Dance is a way we can express ourselves without words, a way we can share our thoughts and feelings, and it is a way we can come together as a community to create art with our bodies. Teaching is one of my greatest passions and I am so grateful to be able to share my love daily.
I am available virtually and in person for privates, group classes, and choreography.
Collaborative work between Pamela Kalechofsky, Leighann Kowalsky, & Ben Brown for the "Behind Closed Doors" Arts Festival that took place at Unison Arts, New Paltz September 26, 2021. You can't see Ben in the video, but he is creating the magical sound.
Find us on IG: @MissPamInstagram @leighannkowalsky @hnd_tmpl @behindcloseddoorsartsfest
Video by: Niamh McDonnell @niamh__mcdonnell
Choreographed By: Pamela Kalechofsky & Kimberlee Gerstheimer || Dancers: Sarah Gavilla & Sarah Xippolitos
Performed at the "Behind Closed Doors" Arts Festival at Unison Arts in New Paltz September 26, 2021
Find Us On IG: @misspaminstagram @kimberleemoves @sarahgav_ @sarahxipchoreo @behindcloseddoorsartsfest
Video By: Niamh McDonnell @niamh__mcdonnell